Health Tips

Are we really what we eat?

Eat Healthy

          What we choose to eat, builds every single cell, texture, and organ of our body. A new study in the field of Epigenetics (which means “Above Genes”), revealed that what we choose to eat influences how our body selects the genes. These genes either will be read and activated or unread and suppressed. That means we are not captives to our genes. Our body has the ability to activate the healthy genes and restrain the unhealthy ones. This method of genes control can be implemented by choosing a healthy environment and paying attention to what we eat and drink.

          For a healthy diet, your focus should be on the quality of the food rather than the quantity. In your mind, you should divide your stomach into three parts, one for food, one for drinks, and one for air. How do you determine this? Stop eating while you still feel like eating, leave the table while you still could eat twice as much, and don’t respond unconsciously to your desires.

          Reducing calories intake will help prevent many diseases, such as excessive weight gain, high blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels, diabetes, and other disease related to aging. In a 2012 study conducted by University College London (UCL), scientists studying how genetics and lifestyle can be adapted to offset the effects of aging stated: Eating 40% less food could extend your life by 20 years.

          Nobody wants to get sick, and no one knowingly chooses a disease, but we do choose diets and lifestyles that are harmful to the trillions of cells and cells’ membrane that are the first in line of defense against diseases. Take consuming salt, for example; salt is included in almost all our meals. In his book “Never be Sick Again”, Dr. Raymond Francis mentioned that “Salt-rich diets force excess sodium into cells, disturbing the normal and healthy sodium/potassium balance. Among other problems, excess sodium interferes with cellular energy production, causing fatigue. Sodium attaches itself strongly to water molecules, so when more sodium goes into the cells, so does more water. Water retention elevates blood pressure and causes weight gain. Dietary salt contributes to an increased incidence of cancer and metastasis, cardiac disease, stroke, kidney disease, bronchial problems and kidney stones. By avoiding processed and packaged foods, most of our excess dietary sodium can be eliminated.” Similarly, consuming too much sugar can be very harmful to our health.

          A bad diet does not only make you feel sick, but is also a factor in causing fatigue, tiredness, and lack of energy. Our body is designed to be healthy and in balance, but we insist on eating foods that leave our body fighting a biochemical chaos throughout the day to restore its balance.

          No matter what diet we follow; what we drink of water should be a priority, because it forms 70-90% of the living cells in our body. Water is the source of our life, and most diseases we suffer from are only shouts of appeal to hydrate. Water is responsible for the balance in all our systems. Some people don’t feel the thirst, instead, their brain reads thirst as hunger. Many people commonly make the mistake of waiting to feel thirsty to drink water. You feel thirsty only when your body is dehydrated and in desperate need of water. One other common mistake that most people make is to replace water that has no taste or smell with other satisfactory drinks, such as tea, coffee, and soda. These beverages are diuretic drinks that contribute to severe dehydration. An adult body needs 8 cups of water in a mild weather day and even more on hotter days.     

          Hormones, artificial ingredients, and our ignorance about what makes our food today caused the 21st century’s most dangerous and common disease: obesity. Now over 500 million people are suffering from obesity. It kills 3 million people around the world every year.

The time we live in forces us to adopt diets and habits that are harmful to our body and causes us to gain unnecessary weight that will increase our chances of getting sick. Being aware of what you nourish your body with, and constant exercising helps you enjoy life without having to carry extra pounds everywhere you go.

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